Recently the neighbor kids have discovered that my house is the fun house. I am basically a big kid and have a few toys such as nerf, mini lacrosse sets and mini rc cars. So yesterday when the neighbor kids came knocking on my door to see if I could come out and play, I told them we work out first and then play.
My workout yesterday was as follows
Convict Conditioning (CC) Incline Pushups (Step 2 in the pushup progression)
sets of 25, 25, 25, 15, 15, 15, 5, 5, 5
with 2-3 minutes rest inbetween
Afternoon with the neighbor kids
2x5 hill sprints
I ran one set with one kid, and then when the second kid ran the sprints, I ran up the hill backwards. This was a great quad burn and was easy on the knees.
Then play time
TRX Rows w/ the straps cinched all the way up and my feet against the base of my door
2-3 minute rest between sets
sets of 25, 25, 15, 15, 5, 5
4.94 mile 35 lb ruck 1:17:56
1 day ago
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