This morning as my shift at work was finishing up, I did the following workout
Z-Health neural warm up combined with Super Joints, balance and vision work.
Incline Push ups 3x40
Knee Tucks 2x25, 1x40
Viking warrior
7 sets, 12 kg bell, 36:36 protocol, 20 reps per set
As usual, the CC exercises were super setted with each other. For the pushups I used a thumbless grip on a smith machine bar set at waist level (one of the few times you'll see me using a smith machine). The reps are starting to feel easier, but still not easy enough yet where I'll progress to the next stage. Supplementing this program with GTG* sets is very tempting. Still though, to be fair to this program I'll stick with it as prescribed for a while longer to really test it out.
The first set of tucks was performed on a weight bench and more challenging than expected. I felt a mild amount of crepitus in my low to mid back, but no pain. I hopped on a foam roller and rolled out my back and IT bands. The crepitus went away, but it was still a little stiff. Prior to the last set I hugged my knees to my chest, curled into a ball, rolled back and forth 5 times along my spine, and then held a back bridge for roughly 30 seconds. The stiffness went away completely. I also switched to a more stable bench and was able to perform 40 reps.
This was my first time back with Viking Warrior in a few weeks, since I had that mild back strain. Overall it felt really good. After reaching a plateau of around 14 sets with this protocol, I borrowed a page from "Enter the Kettlebell" and started rolling dice to determine the number of sets. Today I rolled three dice and came up with a seven. It was the perfect amount for a nice welcome back workout. I'll gradually add in more dice until, there's a total of six. A roll of six sixes will equal 36, the ultimate goal for this protocol.
Monday, May 24, 2010
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